I sat down with the mysterious Mrs Reilly to find out who she is and what she does for the school. Her kids would tell you that she’s a wonderful mother, her friends would brag about her amazing fiber arts, and she’d tell you that she’s a nerd. With a Master’s in computer science and a math degree, I think that’s indisputable.
When she’s at home relaxing, which with Mrs Reilly’s busy schedule is rarer than not, she’ll mostly watch “Whatever the kids are watching,” which she says right now is a fair amount of anime. Given her druthers, she’d enjoy watching Star Trek, StarGate, or “Pretty much anything with a John Williams soundtrack.” During the school day, Mrs Reilly plays piano for the fourth grade chorus in the mornings, the seventh and eighth grade choruses, and as concert dates loom closer, she’ll be helping the senior high choruses rehearse as well. After school, she helps the junior high theater kids rehearse their production of The Addams Family. She also takes pictures for and chaperones the marching band, which her middle child is a part of, because, in Mrs Reilly’s words, “When your kids are in marching band, you’re in marching band.” Occasionally, when her schedule allows, she’ll pitch in at Pittsford, both the high school and middle school. The most difficult musical she’s done thus far is Seussical the Musical, which she says is “Interesting, because it goes through every single key signature that’s out there.” Fortunately, she also says that Seussical is one of her favorite musicals to play. As a youngin, she enjoyed making things with her hands, which ranged from crocheting and knitting to making programs and coordinating props for her high school’s student-run theater. In her more mature years, Mrs Reilly continued knitting, even owning a yarn shop with her mother, although Covid put an end to that. She lost the opportunity to continue with musicals during college, although fortunately, when hired at Victor, began participating again. She’s been good to the school, and good to us. I am proud to know Mrs Reilly. |
Jacob • Jan 17, 2025 at 8:24 am
Mrs. Reilly seems like a great teacher, and I had so much fun reading about her in this article! You did an awesome job showing how much she cares about music and the performing arts. It was really cool to learn more about her, especially since I didn’t know she was a crafter and owned a yarn shop. Fun, interesting and great job!
kaylin • Jan 15, 2025 at 10:01 am
I really enjoyed this article! I thought you organized this very well and kept it super interesting. Great job!
Vivian H • Jan 15, 2025 at 9:45 am
I love Mrs. Reilly, and I enjoyed reading about her in this article! You did such a great job capturing her dedication to and passion for music and the performing arts. It was great having the opportunity to learn more about her, as I had no idea that she was a crafter and owned a yarn shop. Overall, this was an awesome read, great job!