The movie Twisters is a recreation of the original film Twister, which was made in 1996. The main plot occurs when the two main characters of the movie fall in love over their love of tornados and survive near-death experiences with tornados (Twisters).
The movie Twisters was a really good movie with good storytelling, but an issue I had with it was the fact that it felt too predictable. You could predict what was coming next because every story has a conflict and in this movie, you could feel when a new conflict would appear and ultimately guess the movie’s ending.
Even though you could predict the movie it didn’t take away from the amazing visuals and acting as it starred Glen Powell and Kate Carter. The movie itself had a really good underdog-type story where the underdog ultimately proves everyone wrong and is better than everyone else.
The editing in this movie is really outstanding with multiple relatable moments. The tornados in the movie looked amazing and super realistic compared to other tornado movies. The movies also took account of all the real science of tornadoes, how they form, and the way they work. It also presented potential strategies that could in theory work which made the movie more interesting as it would have you think about real-world scenarios keeping you engaged in the movies and making you ask questions.
Glen Powell really captured the intensity of the movie but he also captured all the emotional parts of the movie. Seeing him on screen going from intense focus to emotional makes the film that much better. Overall I give this movie a 9/10 rating solely because there is still room for improvement in any great movie you can always do better than your best. The great underdog story with great actors and the amazing editing gave this movie a 9 out of 10. It’s a great movie. I highly recommend watching it.
Grayson v • Jan 14, 2025 at 1:44 pm
Your Twisters review, I thought was clear, concise, and really gave a sense about the plot and storytelling. I especially liked how you remarked on strengths of the movie, then brought up some predictability in such a constructive manner. I wish you could have spoken more about what stood out to you from the original Twister. Overall, very thoughtful and well-balanced review! Really enjoyed!!