Folklore is the eighth studio album by Taylor Swift, arguably the most successful singer and songwriter of our generation. It was released on July 24, 2020 by surprise. Folklore consists of 16 songs, and the deluxe version consists of 17 songs.
Most people believe it is Taylor’s most iconic album because of the fictional story it portrays, about a love triangle between James, Betty, and Augustine. For a backstory of the love triangle, James cheats on Betty with Augustine, and then later on begs for her back at her front doorstep.
In the album Folklore, each song goes through the storyline and shows different perspectives. There are three songs that really go through what happens. The song Betty is from James’s point of view, about how he misses her and thought about her the whole time he was with Augustine. The song august is from Augustine’s point of view, where she is reminiscing on the past, thinking about how James was never really hers. And the last song cardigan is believed to be from Betty’s point of view when she is older, thinking about what happened with James when she was young.
Besides the love triangle story being told throughout the songs, Folklore as a whole puts the feelings you can’t explain into lyrics. The album carries an emotional tone and different feelings along the way. One feeling that is associated with this album is nostalgia.
the song the 1 has the lyric “If my wishes came true, it would’ve been you”. This shows the meaning behind feeling nostalgic and wanting things you know you can never have or wanting to go back to what you once had. The album opens with this song which ultimately sets the tone for the whole album and connects back to the love triangle.
I think one of the great parts about this album is the way she perceives life and writes poetically about her personal experiences, which I think makes it very different and special. Another thing about this album is that it is more of a slow, sulky, somber kind of vibe, which makes it different from the rest, and makes it more worth listening to.