Getting from point A to point B within the morning hustle is important, but so is getting there safely and smoothly. You may hear people complain about morning and afternoon traffic, someone parking in someone else’s spot, or the countless announcements asking to hold attendance.
When you mix in a campus of inexperienced drivers, teachers, buses and having everyone in the same place at once it is going to cause some sort of congestion either way. So the question is how did it get to be this way? And how can it be fixed?
One of the bigger causes of the congestion problem is the post-covid world on campus, and people not changing their behaviors when it comes to transportation to school. During that time it was actually heavily encouraged that kids don’t ride the bus because of the outbreak, causing bus ridership to decrease. When going back into a somewhat normal schedule some families never got out of that routine of dropping their kids off at school.
Another thing that has not changed is the roadways and layout of the campus. When the school was built in 1998 for 750 to 800 students it isn’t going to occupy the unanticipated overpopulation of 1300 students we have today, another impact on how things run.
So in some ways layout is the issue, but the other part is the drivers themselves. As something being out of the schools control, student drivers have to be completely reliant on themselves to know where to be and what time to be there. In an interview with a Victor student they said that every minute counts on your commute to school. “At 7:29 it could be completely empty but at 7:30 it really fills up” even some teachers are effected by the traffic. So if you are wanting to avoid that heavy traffic period, consider riding the bus, carpooling with friends to decrease the number of vehicles, or forfeiting that extra 20 minutes of sleep in order to leave earlier.
At Victor, traffic is a high priority and is taken very seriously, students are taught well and are favorable drivers for the most part. One of the bigger concerns recently is the winter weather that is about to be in full swing and divers are being extra cautious. Being late is understandable, so take your time getting to school safe even if it means you’ll be late.
Most of these problems will be resolved later in 2025 thanks to the new capital project that is going to address this.