Christopher Nolan is a British and American filmmaker, screenwriter, and producer. Nolan was born in Westminster London. He lives in Los Angeles California with his wife Emma Thomas. Nolan has made 12 full length movies with a lot of hits.
Christopher Nolan is the most overrated director. This is just my opinion on Christopher Nolan as a movie reviewer. It’s all just your opinion and this is mine on a director. One of my issues with Christopher Nolan are the movies of his I don’t like are just boring. Another issue I have with Chirstopher Nolan is that he over complicates the plots of his movies.
My reason for writing this is because people love Christopher Nolan, saying he is one of the greatest directors ever. This review is totally going against the consensus norm. I think Nolan is a good director, as I like some of his movies, but I don’t think he is an all time great director.
The biggest issue of Nolan to me is that he over complicates his movies like in Memento and Inception. Overall Nolan is great at trying to make his movies over complicated like in inception. As Inception is about a layered dream and it’s very complicated, people debate what it means. Also in Memento people are definitely confused as the story is told backwards.These complications take away from these two of Nolan’s movies.
Nolan’s movies being boring is another issue I have with the movies of his I don’t like. This is a major issue because it really takes away from the movie as it is probably the biggest issue of Nolan. Technically on writing, cinematography, acting and many other things these movies are good, and the story isn’t bad but I just find them boring.
The movies I have seen of Nolan’s- Memento (2000), Insomnia (2002), Batman Begins (2005), The Prestige (2006), The Dark Knight (2008), Inception (2010), The Dark Knight Rises (2012), Interstellar (2014), Dunkirk (2017), and Oppenheimer (2023)
Movies I haven’t seen of Nolans- Following (1998), Tenet (2020)
The Dark Knight- This my favorite Nolan movie as this is one of the greatest movies ever and everything just clicks for Nolan in The Dark Knight. The reason I don’t like some of Nolan’s other movies is not here with The Dark Knight, and I don’t know if that many mistakes. The story is amazing, Heath Ledger’s performance is amazing, and Nolan’s depiction of the Joker is the best portatral of the Joker. This is one of the best stories ever and definitely the best Batman story.
Oppenheimer- Mr. Caughlin forced me to put Oppenheimer in. I do like Oppenheimer as I think it’s one of Nolan’s best movies. Like The Dark Knight Nolan isn’t trying to do much. Oppenheimer could have the potenetnional to be boring as its three hours but it isn’t. The issues I have with the Nolan’s other movies are not here with Oppenheimer.
Memento- Most of the things I like about The Dark Knight with Memento you can throw that in the trash. Memento issues are the issues that I have with Christopher Nolan’s movies, that they are boring and over complicated. I don’t think Memento is that over complicated, some people I do think Nolan is trying to do a lot but it doesn’t bother me. My bigger issue with Memento is that it is just boring. Those are my issues with Memento.
Dunkirk- Dunkirk could be a good Christopher Nolan but it just isn’t. The biggest and the only issue I have with Dunkirk is that it is just boring, but it’s really boring. The over complication is not her with Dunkirik. But with Dunkrik it just feels like Nolan isn’t trying with Dunkirk or putting the same effort into the story that he does with his other movies. My favorite Nolan movies are when Nolan is at simplest and Dunkirk is definitely simple but definitely too simple.
Christopher Nolan is very talented director and I enoy a lot of his movies. But I don’t enjoy a lot his movies as he tries to do much or there boring. I knew I needed to make this because a lot of people don’t feel this way about Nolan. Check out Nolan’s movies, I hope you feel differently from me about the movies of Nolans I don’t like.