Spirited Away is a 2001 Japanese animated fantasy film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki, animated by Studio Ghibli.
It tells the story of Chihiro, a ten-year-old girl who, while moving to a new neighborhood, enters the world of kami(spirits of Japanese). After her parents are turned into pigs by the witch Yubaba, Chihiro takes a job working in Yubaba’s bathhouse to find a way to free herself and her parents and return to the human world.
One of Spirited Away’s greatest strengths is the way it manages to tell its story, although rather in the end, and bring its characters to life. It is also a very fun movie with great animation.
Two of its weaknesses I would say is that it can be a little scary sometimes, like the moment when Chihiro’s parents turn into pigs and another is that there are things that are difficult to understand or that you cannot understand, especially if you are not familiar with Japanese culture.
I enjoyed this movie but more towards the end. The first half of the movie was very odd, which is one of the main reasons I kept watching as I wanted to understand it but that didn’t really happen. Not enough was explained and it felt like a mix of random events yet there was an actual story. However, I think it is a very well animated and fun movie.
I recommend this movie because I actually enjoyed it a lot and it’s very funny and the animation is pretty good in my opinion.
Jonah Iwankow • Oct 5, 2023 at 11:23 am
This movie is genuinely one of the best animated movies of all time.