The love story of a lifetime, The Notebook, featuring Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. This film was a 2000’s hit, streamed on Amazon Prime Video, produced by Mark Johnson and Lynn Harris, and created by Nicholas Spark.
This movie leaves viewers on the edge of their seats with a plot twist mid-movie. As the lovers Noah and Allie, played by Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, begin their love story. Their chemistry is like no other, the way Noah waits for Allie, the love every girl wants to experience.
Their story comes to an unexpected end (or so the audience thinks…), as main character Noah sees Allie, out with her new fiancé, not only does Noah feel heartbreak but so do the viewers feel a sense of heartbreak.
As Noah waits for Allie, they realize they are meant to be. Their story gets brought back together, and everyone feels a sense of relief.
Something that makes this film so great is the way that the introduction and very ending of the movie are filmed as the future of the story, it allows for a smooth connection. I think what makes this old rom-com stick out from the others is the emotional piece that is carried throughout the film.
With an emotional but heartwarming ending, I would definitely recommend this movie. Although it has a few boring scenes, action is always brought back in within at least a few minutes.
I chose to watch this movie with a friend, however, I believe that this movie would be a great movie to watch in a romantic setting, due to the chemistry held between Noah and Allie. As they express their love for each other, viewers begin to wish they had that type of love.
I recommend this movie for teenagers as well as young adults, my reasoning behind this recommendation is the message that is hidden behind this film, if something is meant to be, it will be brought back together.