Throughout his twenty-two years teaching art at Victor High School, Mr. Denner has changed more lives than he may comprehend. He doesn’t just take the time to teach, but he also takes the time to understand students, and to learn from them. That–among several other equally relevant ideals–is what differentiates Mr. Denner from most teachers, making him an irreplaceable value Victor is lucky to possess.

Mr. Denner has worn several hats throughout his time at Victor. Not only is he an amazing art educator, he is also a father to current Victor students, and an incredibly skilled independent artist.
During an exclusive interview with Mr. Denner, I asked him what his technique was to creating strong connections with his students, deepening their passion for art. He responded with that bright, signature Mr. Denner smile, explaining, “If you can tie into a student’s passion you can take them a lot further than if you simply just treat them as a face in a seat […] I’m definitely the type of teacher that wants people to know that they matter and that they are cared about in the classroom.”
Having received his BFA in illustration from the University of Buffalo, Mr. Denner became a valuable advisor for the Victor Yearbook Club. He is assisting countless hours to students in the production of books which will be cherished for years to come.
Analie VanManen, one of Mr. Denners former students who has since gone on to study at SUNY Cortland, jumped at the chance to boast about her experience learning from him. Her love for painting remains, and she said that is partially due to that way Mr. Denner “motivated me daily and inspired my passion for painting.”
I remarked how much all students learn from Mr. Denner during our conversation, and asked if there was anything he’d learned from them. With that bright, signature Mr. Denner smile, he said he’s “learning all the time,” and that he’s “learned tips and tricks of what not to do too–which is always important for an art maker.”
As a two year student of Mr. Denner I truly believe there aren’t enough words to describe how welcomed I have felt while in his classroom. After a long day of Algebra and Chemistry, I looked forward to entering his classroom and creating art more than anything. It is an atmosphere that has inspired myself and others to be unique and creative throughout all aspects of life. That shows the kind of teacher Mr. Denner really is.